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new A5 book COMMENT OF THE WEEK 2024:

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3 new handmade A6 Booklets with song texts 2024:

new     THE BLOOD IS DRY / MAÑANA / KAKAO     new

Booklet THE BLOOD IS DRY       Booklet MANANA       Booklet KAKAO

"Folk Experimentalist and Radicalist" (Sounds)
"We would kill for ALVARO records!" (WFMU-Radio, New York)
"Very good!" (RESONANCE Radio, London)


The singer and songwriter Alvaro Peña was born in Valparaíso, Chile in 1943. Since his beginnings in Chile in the sixties until now, a lot of water has passed under various bridges, i.e. Valparaíso, London and Germany. In the recording front many vinyls - until now - and CDs and also gigs and concerts all over the place. This has shown the power of TRANSITIONAL MUSIC, which he has been doing for over 40 years. Never idle, never stagnant, never boring. ALVARO is also associated with bands like THE 101'ERS he founded from a London squatt in 1974 with his late friend Joe Strummer (THE CLASH) and also with Chilean pop bands like THE BOOMERANGS and THE CHALLENGERS, back in the sixties.


El poeta y compositor Alvaro Peña, nace en Valparaíso, Chile en 1943. Ya en los años sesenta en Chile integra varias bandas de música popular destacándose LOS BUMERANGS y LOS CHALLENGERS. A comienzos de los años setenta en Londres Alvaro forma junto con Joe Strummer (THE CLASH) la ahora legendaria banda THE 101'ERS.
Cabe destacar que a pesar de todas las tendencias musicales desde los años sesenta hasta hoy, la MUSICA TRANSITORIA de Alvaro sigue permaneciendo fresca y vigente como en su primer día, principalmente su estilo de piano como la fuerte identidad de su voz. Alvaro vive en estos momentos en Alemania haciendo giras en forma regular a través de Europa, Latinoamérica y USA.

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http://www.don-alvaro.net   /   Copyright: © Alvaro Peña

This Home Page is online since 1995   /   Last Update: June 26, 2024

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